If you are plumb wore out...and ready for some good news, Bryon Wein, someone I've followed for decades, might be just the ticket to help you get hopeful. I believe the FED will provide the leadership we need in 2019. I believe the log jam in Washington DC might ease and I think economic growth might surprise...to the upside. Think I've been drinking too much eggnog? See if this piece helps calm your rattled nerves. https://www.fa-mag.com/news/wien--surprises--with-rosy-predictions-for-2019-42586.html?section=43&utm_source=FA+Subscribers&utm_campaign=33dfcc53dd-FAN_AM_Send_021318_A-B_Split_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_6bebc79291-33dfcc53dd-234933513
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