You can do well and do good. It will let you BE GOOD and BE WELL
Founding Members:
Julie Skye | Tulsa OK
Krista Strohoffer | Boulder CO
FAFN - Schwab accounts had the final management fees deducted on Monday and will move to SAA-Schwab next week. I will not be able to access to your account from March 1-3rd, but after that, we will be settled, for good, at SAA. 😊 Why does this matter to you? Look for the SAA Engagement Agreement in your inbox and then we can move on to your risk tolerance and your Investment Policy Statement.
ESG Spotlight | Pax High Yield Bond Fund PAXHX is one of our portfolio favorites. This week I am looking at how to help you build out your income: you can do well and do good. I have also attached the SEC approved Fund Fact sheet so you can take a deeper dive into why this fund is in many of your portfolios.
Invests in high yield, fixed income securities primarily seeking high current income and secondarily capital appreciation.
Utilizes Impax’s Sustainability Lens to identify higher opportunity and lower risk sub-sectors of the high yield universe.
Proprietary ESG research provides additional fundamental insight which contributes to risk management.
Engages to advance more sustainable business practices.
Focuses on companies with stable profits and manageable debt loads, or growing businesses with improving credit profiles.
Partner Profile | the face of financial advice just got brighter.
Julie Skye | Julie launched Skye Advisors in December 2017 when she combined her experience with her passion for Sustainable – Impact Investing and is co-founder of the Sustainable Advisors Alliance. Reach Julie at 918-408-7981:
Krista Strohoffer | is co-founder of the Sustainable Advisors Alliance. She looks at the environmental, social and governance (ESG) records of a company to see how a company treats its employees, its community, the environment, and consumers. Reach Krista at: 303.413.6025 &
Required Disclosures: Always read the fine print!
The foregoing content reflects the opinions of Sustainable Advisors Alliance LLC and is subject to change at any time without notice. Content provided herein is for informational purposes only and should not be used or construed as investment advice or a recommendation regarding the purchase or sale of any security. There is no guarantee that any statements, opinions, or forecasts provided herein will prove to be correct. Past performance may not be indicative of future results. Indices are not available for direct investment. Any investor who attempts to mimic the performance of an index would incur fees and expenses which would reduce returns. Securities investing involves risk, including the potential for loss of principal. There is no assurance that any investment plan or strategy will be successful.
When you read the headline “Bond Markets Saw Ugly Trading This Week” know that is good news for low-risk investors looking to fund their retirement. 😊 Why does this matter to you? Our high balance in your money market is starting to look pretty smart: we will be moving some of that cash into bonds…finally.
If you believe alternative energy is here to stay, then trust the sell-off in green energy is bringing these stock prices back down to earth. Our new administration is serious about re-tooling our infrastructure and building out an alternative energy grid: anticipating this, renewable energy stocks shot up like a rocket in the final months of 2020.

😲Why does this matter to you? An aggressive climate change-focused agenda in combination with reduced oil & gas production costs, improved drilling technologies, and rapidly increasing energy conservation in the corporate world, meant the sky was the limit for the green-stocks. Whenever a sector goes on an extended run, like green energy did in 2020, you are bound for a pullback at some point, even if there is further upside in store.

What is a bubble stock and what is a stock with a price that has just gone up? Bubble headlines sound like this: · Digital “crypto” currency will replace the U.S. dollar as the dominant currency. · Electric vehicles will eliminate the internal combustion engine. · Marijuana will displace modern medicine and alcohol and tobacco as the recreational drug of choice. · Space travel will become the new logistics platform and space tourism will displace beach vacations. · Home-sharing will replace the hotel industry and ridesharing will eliminate the need for personal vehicles. · Autonomous driving will replace human drivers. · Plant-based meat will replace animal meat and food delivery will permanently change how we shop. · Gyms, calisthenics, and going for a jog will be replaced by bikes and screens and digital workout platforms. · Video conferencing Zoom meetings will replace in-person meetings. 😊Why does this matter to you?You know you are in a bubble when a thesis develops that some new innovation will take over the world. Our goal is to identify the real deals…the mega-trends that are going to transform our world and then, build positions in a way that always considers the risk of new technologies and a changing world.